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Meeting of ECIU centres for teaching learning


September 8, 2023

Meeting of ECIU centres for teaching learning


Join us


Many individual members of centres for teaching and learning (CTLs) throughout the ECIU network have had opportunities to meet in various ECIU University projects and activities, but have not experienced a setting for sharing and discussing the activities that the various CTLs are delivering in all of our local communities. This meeting intends to provide an opportunity for doing just that, towards developing the idea of a CTL Community in the ECIU environment that may allow us to improve our local activities and to increase our inter-institutional collaboration.

The University of Aveiro invites staff members from ECIU member institutions to a meeting at its main Campus in Aveiro, Portugal from 6 – 8 September 2023. We hope that at least 1 staff member from each institution will participate.


The programme consists of 3 morning workshops (120 minutes each) delivered by some of the ECIU CTLs representatives in their topics of expertise and open to the University of Aveiro community, plus 3 afternoon CTL sharing activities in topics such as:

  • Recognition of / Incentives for teaching innovation / Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Communities of practice / Peer Observation
  • Hybrid Learning Support
  • Students agency / students being a relevant part TL transformation

Registration and Support

Please register for this meeting before July 11th 2023 by completing the short form provided here. (linkto: https://forms.ua.pt/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=871543&lang=en)

For 1 participant per ECIU institution, the University of Aveiro can reserve and cover the cost of air travel plus the cost of accommodation for up to 3 nights in one of our partner hotels close to the University campus.  If your University intends to participate with more than 1 person attending, please choose yourselves among your group who will be nominated for the travel and accommodation offer.

The University of Aveiro is also available to handle any paperwork required should participants have the opportunity, through their home University, to obtain a mobility grant, for example under the Erasmus+ staff training scheme. Please contact your International Office for advice.

Contact details:

Sónia Nunes / Susana Caixinha / Ruben Alves

Teaching and Learning Center – University of Aveiro

Email: inovacaopedagogica@ua.pt

Phone: (+351) 234 370 200


University of Aveiro

Created in 1973, the University of Aveiro quickly became one of the most dynamic and innovative universities in Portugal. Now a public foundation under private law, it continues to develop and implement its mission to provide undergraduate and postgraduate education, to generate research and promote cooperation with society.